Sunday 25 May 2008

Marc and Cerys to spend Christmas together

Marc Bannerman and Cerys Matthews are reportedly planning to spend Christmas together.
The 'I'm A Celebrity.' couple, who have been spending time together at Matthews' home in England, are reportedly looking forward to getting to know each other better over the next few weeks.
Speaking to OK magazine Matthews said: "He's going to help me put Christmas decorations up. Life is really nerve-wracking all of a sudden because we're in the middle of all this. But I can't stop smiling. I'm still getting tummy flips."
Bannerman also revealed that he was thrilled at how well the relationship was going. He said: "It's a very unusual situation. I've never spent 24 hours a day with someone - normally there has been a break in between where you separate, but this has been so quick and intense.
"I definitely felt nervous on the drive here. I knew how I was feeling but I didn't know how she was feeling. I felt like a teenager again."
Earlier this week police visited the actor during his stay at Matthews' parents' house in Trefin in connection with an incident with a photographer last Friday.
The pair said they would stay at Matthews' home for the immediate future.