Tuesday 2 September 2008

NICE Recognises Role Of High Intensity Statin Therapy In Patients With Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, UK

�AstraZeneca welcomes the recommendations by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) on the treatment of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) 1, a genetical condition resulting in high cholesterol levels. As region of its comprehensive review on the identification and management of people with FH, NICE has recommended that adults with the condition be treated with high chroma statins in order to reduce LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels by 50%.

Michael Livingston, Director of H.E.A.R.T UK - The Cholesterol Charity, stated: "About nonpareil person in every D has FH in the UK - in fact it's unitary of the most often occurring transmissible conditions. This means that more than 110,000 people in Britain experience the condition. However, many people with FH go undetected with often tragic consequences. The next step for us will be to secure this steering is enforced on the ground".

People with FH have a substantially increased cardiovascular risk in comparing with the general population, due to their elevated cholesterol levels, which stool sometimes be in excess of 20 mmol/l. The average number cholesterol degree for center aged manpower is about 5 mmol/l. Men with FH have a greater than 50% chance of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) by the time they reach 50. Women with FH face a 30% CHD risk by the prison term they hit 601. Comprehensive trial information from large clinical trials has shown that there is a linear relationship between the absolute reductions in LDL-C and the proportional reducing of coronary and other events. Lowering LDL-C by 1mmol/l reduces cardiovascular disease related events (including spirit attack and stroke) by 21% and total mortality by 12%.

Dr Elizabeth Hughes, Consultant Chemical Pathologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham, commented: "Too often patients are put on generic zocor, when first-class honours degree diagnosed with FH, only to throw to keep going for repeat blood tests and consultations until they ar eventually stirred onto a more effective, higher intensity statin which in reality means either rosuvastatin or atorvastatin. This guidance has recognised that some adults with FH need to be put onto a high vividness statin immediately, particularly if their LDL-C levels pauperism to be reduced by more than half".

When choosing which high intensiveness statin therapy is the most allow for the individual patient, clinicians should take into account the patient's informed preference, comorbidities, multiple do drugs therapy, and the benefits and risks of treatment. CRESTOR (rosuvastatin) has been shown to be extremely effective at helping patients reduce their LDL-C levels. In o'er 15 neck and neck studies involving more than 12,000 patients, rosuvastatin has consistently demonstrated better LDL-C letting down in comparing with lipitor and simvastatin across the dose ambit.

The guideline makes a range of other recommendations on the identification and management of people with FH including the use of cascade testing to identify those individuals wHO will benefit from early treatment and the recommendation that doctors should provide patients with evidence-based info, such as the treatments that are currently available, lifestyle advice and how the FH may affect other members of the family.


CRESTOR has now standard regulatory approvals in over 90 countries. Over 12 million patients have been prescribed CRESTOR worldwide. Data from clinical trials and real human beings use shows that the safety profile for CRESTOR is in line with other marketed statins.

About AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a major international health care business busy in the research, exploitation, manufacture and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the supply of healthcare services. It is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies with healthcare gross revenue of $26.47 one thousand million and starring positions in sales of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory, oncology and infection products. AstraZeneca is listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Global) as well as the FTSE4 Good Index.


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